Dow2 Last Stand Solo

DOW2 The Last Stand - Ork Boom - Wave 20 Complete DoW2: Last Stand Dawn of War 2 had an updated a couple of months back that introduced the Last Stand multiplayer mode. It's technically a survival mode where you beat successive waves of stronger enemies.

Dawn of War 2 had an updated a couple of months back that introduced the Last Stand multiplayer mode. It's technically a survival mode where you beat successive waves of stronger enemies. You get to pick one of three hero types and with three other players go against the hordes of opponents. Finding games takes a while for me but once you found a game, you can stick with the same group as long as you want.
You basically want the highest score and this is done by killing opponents. To increase the bonus multiplier, you have to capture both the strategic points, kill enemies quickly and make sure your heroes don't get knocked out. For every game, your hero will level up - to a maximum of 20. Increasing levels don't actually make your hero stronger - you only get more equipment to improve your customization of your hero. A low level team can reach probably wave 9 (or higher) with the right team work.
SoloI started as an Orc Mekboy and played a couple of games. I used a big shoota which would take down single enemies really quickly and for groups, I'd throw some mines. I would also teleport around the map killing critical targets like Zoanthropes and Shuriken cannons. The farthest level which my team reached was level 9. I was a level 2 at that point along with a level 4 Space Marine Captain and a level 3 Farseer.Leveling
Dow2I then tried using the Space Marine Captain. This guy at low levels is a tank. He can soak up damage and take on groups single handedly though he moves slow and doesn't have much power to take on huge groups. I was joined by 2 high level heroes - a level 12 SM captain and a level 13 Farseer. We managed to push until wave 16 - (the evil mirror fight). The Farseer was really the champion of the fight. She would teleport us away to the corners - recharge her energy and release eldritch storms on the incoming horde. The mirror fight was the problem as we could down one of them but they would just revive each other. I can't believe that a 1 on 1 fight with my self would end in a stalemate - our hits would heal ourselves so we couldn't technically damage ourselves.

Dow2 Last Stand Solo Leveling

Dow2 Last Stand Solo Build

I'll probably try and post some Last Stand strategies the more I play.