Infinity Lite Mod List


  1. Ftb Infinity Lite Mod List

Jan 14 2017 - Updated downloads for Infinity Lite Ver 1.5.1. Updated Tinkers, IC2, Mekanism, EnderIO and added Refined Storage. November 4 2016 - Added download for Infinity Lite for MC1.10.2 August 6 2016 - Added Skyblock downloads for version 1.2.0. Updated Cooking for Blockheads, Thermal Foundation, Railcraft and Ex Compressum. The Feed the Beast Infinity Evolved is a general all purpose modpack for Minecraft 1.7.10. It is similar to Feed The Beast Resurrection in that both packs have similar mods. FTB Infinity was added to the launcher on February 5th, 2015. It is mainly aimed at players who want to have all the different types of mods in one modpack.

Nov 3rd, 2016
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  1. Aroma1997Core-1.9.4-
  2. Bagginses-1.10.2-3.0.4e.jar
  3. BBG-1.9.4-5.0.0.jar
  4. BetterBuildersWands-0.6.5-1.10r138+8595fc7.jar
  5. BloodMagic-1.9.4-2.1.0-66.jar
  6. Botania r1.9-337.jar
  7. Chameleon-1.10-2.1.7.jar
  8. ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.3.jar
  9. chiselsandbits-12.7.jar
  10. CompactSolars-1.10.2-
  11. covers-
  12. DarkUtilities-1.10.2-
  13. DefaultOptions_1.10.2-6.1.5.jar
  14. Draconic-Evolution-1.10.2-
  15. ElevatorMod[V.1.2.0][MC.1.10.2].jar
  16. EnderIO-1.10.2-
  17. extrautils2-1.10.2-alpha-1.2.1.jar
  18. flatcoloredblocks-mc1.10-v4.3.jar
  19. FTBLib-1.10.2-3.1.2.jar
  20. gendustry-
  21. Guide-API-1.10.2-2.0.2-45.jar
  22. industrialcraft-2-2.6.87-ex110.jar
  23. ironchest-1.10.2-
  24. jeibees-
  25. journeymap-1.10.2-5.3.0b2-unlimited.jar
  26. KleeSlabs_1.10.2-3.3.5.jar
  27. mcjtylib-1.10-2.2.0.jar
  28. Mekanism-1.10.2-
  29. MekanismTools-1.10.2-
  30. missing_pieces-1.10.2-4.0.2.jar
  31. modnametooltip_1.10.2-1.6.0.jar
  32. Morpheus-1.10.2-3.1.9.jar
  33. multistorage-1.10.0-1.2.4.jar
  34. netherportalfix-mc1.9.4-4.0.1.jar
  35. OreSpawn_1.10.2-1.1.0.jar
  36. platforms-1.10.0-1.2.1.jar
  37. Railcraft_1.10.2-10.0.0.jar
  38. RebornCore-1.10.2-
  39. refinedstorage-1.1.3.jar
  40. rftools-1.10-5.58.jar
  41. roots-1.10.2-0.204.0.jar
  42. shetiphiancore-1.10.0-3.3.2.jar
  43. simplebarrels-1.10.2-2002-1.25h.jar
  44. simpleretrogen-1.10-4.0.1+8.jar
  45. SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-1.4r.jar
  46. StacksOnStacks2-1.1.4.jar
  47. supercraftingframe-1.10.2-
  48. theoneprobe-1.10-1.2.1.jar
  49. valkyrielib-1.10.2-0.10.5d.jar
Infinity Lite Mod ListInfinity
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Ftb Infinity Lite Mod List