Math Equation Writer

To solve your equation using the Equation Solver, type in your equation like x+4=5. The solver will then show you the steps to help you learn how to solve it on your own. Solving Equations Video Lesson. Khan Academy Video: Solving Simple Equations; Need more problem types? Sep 30, 2019 1. To make equation authoring easier, the equation editor is in math mode by default, so it isn't necessary to add math mode commands to your equations. If the preview is empty or displays an error, check your equation to make sure it’s correct. If an equation is by itself on a line of text, the equation centers based on the equals sign. We can subtract 17 from both sides of the equation to find the value of x. Answer: x = 51, so Jeanne needs $51 to buy the game. In the problem above, x is a variable. The symbols 17 + x = 68 form an algebraic equation. Let's look at some examples of writing algebraic equations. Example 1: Write each sentence as an algebraic equation.


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Math Equation Writer Free

If you do not want to have The Mathist account anymore, choose Settings option from the menu on the top and in a pop-up window, choose delete account.

Free Math Equation Writer Download

How to create a new note?

When in the Notes section, click on the New Note button, and the note editor will open.

How to delete a note?

In the Notes section press the icon under the note’s title to delete the note.

How to save a note?

The notes are automatically saved every few seconds so there’s no need for you to manually save them or worry if they will be lost if you don’t save them and accidentally leave the app or lose the internet connection.

Where to find more formulas?

For writing integrals, summations, multiplications etc, start typing the name of what you need inside your formula and then press one of the formulas from the drop down menu that will appear.

Where to find Greek symbols?

Math Equation Writer For Word

Just start typing the name of the symbol that you need and then press one of the symbols from the drop down menu that will appear. If you can't remember the name, open the virtual keyboard, and then in the bottom left of the keyboard press the gear icon. There you can select the Greek virtual keyboard.

How to open the virtual keyboard?

Click on the button in the bottom right corner of the note.

How to use the Wolfram Alpha feature?

Wolfram Alpha feature enables you to solve the equations, find approximate values of expressions, plot graphs etc.
Wolfram | Alpha support is comming soon to the new editor. Thanks for your patience.

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Your notifications appear here. You can receive two types of notifications: when your friend creates The Mathist account and when there’s an important update we want to inform you about.

How to change the font size?

Click on the Settings option from the menu on the top and choose between three offered font sizes. It will apply both to the font size in the note and to the font size on other pages.

The Mathist is a touch optimized web app for writing mathematical notes. It can be used on any device.

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What is an Equation?

An equation says that two things are equal. It will have an equals sign '=' like this:


That equations says: what is on the left (x + 2) is equal to what is on the right (6)

So an equation is like a statement 'this equals that'

(Note: this equation has the solution x=4, read how to solve equations.

What is a Formula?

A formula is a fact or rule that uses mathematical symbols.
It will usually have:

  • an equals sign (=)
  • two or more variables (x, y, etc) that stand in for values we don't know yet

It shows us how things are related to each other.

Example: The formula for finding the volume of a box is:

V = lwh

V stands for volume, l for length, w for width, and h for height.

When l=10, w=4, and h=5, then:

V = 10 × 4 × 5 = 200

These are all equations, but only some are formulas:

x = 2y - 7Formula (relating x and y)
a2 + b2 = c2Formula (relating a, b and c)
x/2 + 7 = 0Not a Formula (just an equation)

Without the Equals

Sometimes a formula is written without the '=':

Example: The formula for the volume of a box is:


But in a way the '=' is still there, because we can write V = lwh if we want to.

Math Equation Writer

Subject of a Formula

The 'subject' of a formula is the single variable (usually on the left of the '=') that everything else is equal to.

Math Formula Writer

Example: in the formula

s = ut + ½ at2

Math Equation Writer

's' is the subject of the formula


Changing the Subject

A very powerful thing that Algebra can do is to 'rearrange' a formula so that another variable is the subject.

Example: Rearrange the volume of a box formula (V = lwh) so that the width is the subject

divide both sides by h:V/h = lw
swap sides:w = V/(hl)

So if we want a box with a volume of 12, a length of 2, and a height of 2, we can calculate its width:

= 12 / (2 × 2)
= 3