Rigs Of Rods Unmarked Police Car Downloads

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Author Message; AHotWheelsCollector 2020-12-09 19:17: The game wasn't released in 2009, it was released in 2005. AHotWheelsCollector 2020-10-20 01:15.

Rigs of Rods is a simulator which strives for maximum reallism, and hence you need an appropriate controller, such as a wheel for land vehicles and joystick for aerial or marine vehicles.

Rigs Of Rods Unmarked Police Car Downloads

Input is configured by editing configuration file input.map or by using the Input Mapping Tool. In-game configuration of controls is not implemented yet.

Rigs of rods police cars

Keyboard layout¶

General controls¶

Pause game ESC
Quit game ALT+F4
Spawn new vehicleCTRL+G
Enter or exit vehicleENTER
Reset vehicle I
Reset vehicle in placeBACKSPACE
View vehicle statistics T
View vehicle commandsCTRL+T
Screenshot Print Screen/SYSRQ
Chat (Multiplayer) Y
Toggle HUD U
Toggle soft reset modeAPOSTROPHE
Toggle limited camera movementSHIFT+SPACE
Adjust simulation speedCTRL+= / SHIFT+=
Reset simulation speed/set presetBACKSLASH
Switch between vehicles CTRL+RBRACKET / CTRL+LBRACKET
Remove current vehicleCTRL+Del
Respawn last vehicleCTRL+ . (period)


Turn right RIGHT
Turn left LEFT
Walk forwards UP
Walk backwardsDOWN


Change view C
Rotate up/down Numpad 8 / Numpad 2
Rotate left/right Numpad 4 / Numpad 6
Zoom in/out Numpad 9 / Numpad 3
Zoom in/out (fast) SHIFT+Numpad 9 / SHIFT+Numpad 3
Free camera SHIFT+C
Fixed camera ALT+C
Decrease FOV Numpad 7
Increase FOV CTRL+Numpad 7
Reset FOV SHIFT+Numpad 7


Sky type must be set to Caelum or SkyX. Sandstorm sky does not support time change.
Time AdjustKey
Change time Numpad + (plus) / Numpad - (minus)
Change time (fast)SHIFT+Numpad + (plus) / SHIFT+Numpad - (minus)

Overview map¶

Toggle map view TAB
Zoom in/out CTRL+TAB / SHIFT+TAB
Toggle alpha CTRL+SHIFT+TAB


You can load a savegame from the main menu.

Quick saveNUMPAD / (divide)
Quick loadNUMPAD * (multiply)
Save slot 1CTRL+ALT+1
Save slot 2CTRL+ALT+2
Save slot 3CTRL+ALT+3
Save slot 4CTRL+ALT+4
Save slot 5CTRL+ALT+5
Load slot 1ALT+1
Load slot 2ALT+2
Load slot 3ALT+3
Load slot 4ALT+4
Load slot 5ALT+5

Common vehicle controls¶

Basic vehicle controlsKey
Steer Left LEFT
Steer Right RIGHT
Accelerate/Brake UP / DOWN


Autoshift up PGUP
Autoshift down PGDOWN
Switch shift modesQ
Manual clutch SHIFT
Shift up A
Shift down Z


Toggle headlights N
Toggle beacons M
Blinker left , (comma)
Blinker right . (period)
Blinker hazards - (hyphen)
Custom lights (e.g. lightbars) CTRL+1, CTRL+2 ... CTRL+9, CTRL+0


Truck horn H
Parking brake P
Trailer parking brakeCTRL+P
Toggle contact (ignition) X
Starter (hold) S
Attach trailer L
Inter-wheel differentalsW
Inter-axle differentalsCTRL+W
Transfer case (2WD/4WD)SHIFT+W
Alternate gear ratiosALT+W
Secure Load O
Show skeleton K
Cycle skeleton views CTRL+K
Rescue truck R
Particle cannon
(e.g. water cannons on fire trucks)
Tire Pressure
(not supported by most vehicles)


Function keysCombo


  • Some vehicles use ALT+F4 as a command, which closes the game window. To avoid this press F4 then ALT.

  • Some laptops require you to hold the FN key in order to use commands.

Aerial and marine controls¶


Airplane controlsKey
Steer left LEFT
Steer right RIGHT
Elevator up UP
Elevator downDOWN
Rudder right X
Rudder left Z
Brake B
Parking brakeP
Reverse R
Less flaps 1
More flaps 2
Less airbrakes3
More airbrakes4
Throttle downPAGE-DOWN
Throttle up PAGE-UP
Start enginesCLICK BUTTONS 'ON'
Start all enginesCTRL+HOME
Full throttleCTRL+PAGEUP

It is recommended to use: CTRL+Home to start all engines of a plane and CTRL+PAGE-UP to full throttle all engines because some planes could have more than 4 engines and you couldn't control them with your mouse.


Boat controlsKey
Throttle down DOWN
Throttle up UP
Steer left LEFT
Steer right RIGHT
Center rudder PGUP
Center throttlePGDOWN

Config file 'input.map'¶

This file defines all key alias for RoR, located at DocumentsMy GamesRigs of Rodsconfig by default. It has the following format:

For example:

This binds the BOAT_CENTER_RUDDER event to the Down arrow on your keyboard.

A list of all valid events can be found in the Keypress Events section.


For the keyboard there are several special things:


  • CTRL
  • ALT

Combine them with a + sign. Example:

The EXPL tag¶

A special keyword used in defining commands.

In this example, only COMMANDS_01 is triggered when pressing F1, and COMMANDS_13 is triggered when pressing CTRL+F1 (but not COMMANDS_01)

In this example, COMMANDS_01 would be triggered if you press CTRL+F1, as F1 is part of the COMMANDS_13 combination.

List of usable keys¶

Joystick, Wheel or gamepad¶

This category covers all analogue input devices detected by the operating system, so all gamepads, joysticks, wheels, pedals, etc.



  • Joystick Number (unused in modern mappings), set to 0
  • Button number



  • Joystick Number (unused in modern mappings), set to 0
  • Axis number
  • Options:
    • HALF
    • UPPER
    • LOWER
    • DEADZONE : add deadzone in percent with equal sign: 'DEADZONE=0.15'.
    • LINEARITY: add linearity in percent with equal sign: 'LINEARITY=0.15'.



  • Joystick Number (unused in modern mappings), set to 0
  • POV number
  • Direction: North, South, East, West, NorthEast, SouthEast, NorthWest, SouthWest.

JoystickSlider, JoystickSliderX, JoystickSliderY¶


  • Joystick Number (unused in modern mappings), set to 0
  • Slider number
  • Options:

Keypress Events¶

Keypress event identification in RoR

These are all the valid keypress events, they can be used in a input map or for prop animations. not all make sense though for animated props.


Required applications¶

Setting up the input map and FreePIE script¶

After installing the above applications, download this zip file which contains the required input map and FreePIE script.

There will be two files in the zip: vJoy_Device.map and MouseControl.py.

Extract both files into DocumentsMy GamesRigs of Rodsconfig.

Using FreePIE¶

Open FreePIE and press File -> Open. Browse to the MouseControl.py file you downloaded earlier:

Then press Script -> Run script:

The script should now be running. If you get an error, install vJoy.

Leave FreePIE running, launch RoR and you should now have mouse control!

You can modify both the script and the input map to make them better suit for your use.

For example the numbers 40 and 80 in the script are the sensitivity of the controls.

Mouse middle button in the script above, will reset the axises in game, in this case the steering and throttle.

Configuring controls with the Input Mapping Tool¶

The easiest way to configure your device for use in Rigs of Rods is to use the Input Mapping Tool.

vJoy Conflicts¶


If you have vJoy installed, you will have to disable it before running the tool!

Launching the tool¶

After downloading, extract the zip into a new folder. Then double-click Run.bat to launch the tool.

Adding new inputs¶

To begin adding inputs, click Add.

Select the event you want to assign an input to. In this exanmple, I will use TRUCK_ACCELERATE

Then select the correct input type:

Event typeDescription
KeyboardAll keys on the keyboard.
JoystickAxisUsed for steering wheels/sticks/etc.
JoystickSliderAny type of slider, mainly seen on flight sticks.
JoystickButtonButtons! (e.g. `A` button on an Xbox controller)
JoystickPovUsed for D-Pad controls.

Click Add once ready, the tool will then ask you to move the axis/press a button.

The popup will automatically close once the requested action is completed.

Rigs Of Rods Unmarked Police Car Downloads Online

Repeat the process for all the inputs you want to add.

Once you're done, it's time to export the keymap.

Exporting the keymap¶

First, you'll need to get the correct file name of your file.

To do this, double-click getdeviceinfo.exe. This will generate a inputinfo.txt file. Open the text file.

Example output:

VendorMapFilename will be the name of your exported file. In this example, the name will be Logitech_Extreme_3D.map.

Click Export Keymap then select your device from the list.

Browse to DocumentsMy GamesRigs of Rodsconfig, set the name you copied earlier in the File name box, then click Open to save the file.

And finally, run Rigs of Rods and test your device! You can make further edits to your input map by clicking Import Keymap.

If you want to share your created input map, upload it to the Miscellaneous section of the Repository. Thanks!

Last update: July 13, 2020


Rigs of Rods (RoR) is a free/libre soft-body physics simulator mainly targeted at simulating vehicle physics. The soft-body physics system is based on mass-spring-damper theory.

This page will help you learn the basics of Rigs of Rods, from installing to playing multiplayer.



To get started, download the latest version of the game from our homepage.

If you're running Linux, you can download the game by following these instructions.

Once downloaded, double-click the file to start the installer.

Windows SmartScreen warning¶

When launching the installer for the first time, Windows Defender SmartScreen may prevent the installer from starting.

If this happens, click More info then Run anyway.

The installer should launch once you accept the UAC dialog.


Select your language, then click OK.

Click Next.

Accept the agreement, then click Next.

If you wish to install RoR to another location, you can change it here. We recommend leaving it to the default location.

By default, RoR only comes with a very small selection of content. To help new players, we've created content packs which provide a good selection of vehicles and terrains to get you started.

You can choose to either download all the packs, or only select the ones that interest you. For simplicity's sake, no packs will be downloaded.

Click Next to continue.

If you want the installer to create a desktop icon, check the box. Click Next to continue.

Click Install to begin the installation process.

Once the installation finishes, read the message that appears then click Next to continue.

Installation is now completed. Leave Launch Rigs of Rods checked then click Finish to launch RoR!

First Run¶

When launching RoR for the first time, the user directory will be created. On Windows this is located at DocumentsMy GamesRigs of Rods or at ~/.rigsofrods on Linux. This is where configuration files, logs, and mods are stored.

The game should open in a small window:

Before playing, you should first change your settings. Begin by clicking Settings.

First, make sure the rendering system is set to Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem. If it's set to OpenGL Rendering Subsystem, change it then restart RoR. If Direct3D9 doesn't appear on the list, install the DirectX Runtime and restart your PC.

If you're running Linux, ignore this as DirectX is not available.

Now select Video Mode and change it to your monitor's native resolution then restart the game to apply your changes.

Click Settings again, then click the Graphics tab.

The following settings should be fine for most people, but feel free to adjust them to fit your liking.

Then click the Audio tab and set the device and volume.

Once you're finished, restart the game again.

Now you're ready to begin playing. Start by clicking Single player to open the terrain selector.

For the sake of this tutorial, select North St Helens.

Once the terrain loads, you will spawn as a country person known lovingly as RoRBot. You control him with the arrow keys while using SHIFT to run and SPACE to jump (good for getting over bumps, or if you get stuck).

You spawn in front of a building known as the Rig-a-Deal. This is where you will spawn new trucks. Walk into the 'Office' to bring up the selection menu. You can also spawn a vehicle anywhere at any time by pressing CTRL+G.

Use the mouse or arrow keys to move through the menus. Select the DAF Semi truck. The truck spawns inside the Rig-a-Deal with you inside it. If you happen to spawn the truck with RoRBot outside of the vehicle, simply hit ENTER/RETURN to get in a vehicle.


The DAF semi isn't the most agile or best looking truck in the game, but it serves us a purpose later. The camera inside the Rig-a-Deal is fixed, so you will be unable to move it until you leave. Switch to the in-cab camera by hitting C. Use the UP arrow key to accelerate out of the Rig-a-Deal (Rigs of Rods uses a simulated clutch which begins to engages at a specific point. This why the semi doesn't move until 1000 RPM). Use DOWN to brake, and LEFT/RIGHT arrows to steer. Use PGUP/PGDOWN to select your transmission direction/speed.

Start by exploring Coldwater, the town you begin in. It isn't very big but provides some decent moving room. If you get stuck, or wreck, hit I to reset back to the Rig-a-Deal, or BACKSPACE to reset the truck in its current position.

If you hold BACKSPACE for one second, you will enable the 'advanced repair mode' which lets you move the vehicle to any position by using the WASD keys to move and the arrow keys to rotate. Press BACKSPACE again to exit.

You can switch transmission modes by hitting Q. There are 5 transmission modes available: * Automatic shift * The gear change is fully automatic, the player only has to set the gear by pressing PGUP/PGDOWN. * Manual shift: Auto clutch * The gear is changed on user request. No clutch should be pressed to change gear, vehicle takes care of that. Just use A and Z to shift. * Fully manual: sequential shift * The user must press clutch and select whether it is needed to switch up or down. Depress the clutch by hitting LEFT SHIFT, then press A to upshift or Z to downshift. * Fully manual: stick shift * This mode is useful if you have a game controller with an H-shifter (like Logitech G27). In this mode the player can set gears 1-6, N, and R directly by the stick. * Fully manual: stick shift with ranges * This mode is mostly used in vehicles having more gears than 6. In this case you can select from 3 ranges: low (gear 1-6), medium (gear 7-12), high (gear 13-18) by pressing the appropriate button. Like if you want to select the 8th gear, you have to select gear N first, press the midrange button, then select the 2nd gear on the h-stick. Remember, range selection can be made only if the gear is in N.

If you stall, there are 2 keys to be remembered: X enables or disables the electricity in the vehicle, and S activates the starter. Press X and you'll see a yellow battery icon lit on the UI. Hold S until the engine is started. Resetting the vehicle with BACKSPACE or I will instantly start the engine.

Remember how to change the camera? Hit C twice. You're now in third-person view and can move the camera around. Use the number pad (specifically 2, 4, 6, and 8) to move the camera. Pressing 5 resets the camera. 9 and 3 zoom in/out respectively and 1 gives you a front view of your truck.

You can also move the camera by holding right-click and dragging with your mouse.

Now, make your way back to the Rig-a-Deal.

Trailer Loads¶

You should see a large, grey, open-platform with an orange console. Park the truck (use P to set the parking brake) and hit ENTER/RETURN to get out. Note that the same camera commands work with RoRBot. Step in front of the orange console to open the load selector.

Select the Semi trailer (37 tons).

Get back in the semi and drive in front of the load. Use the camera in third-person view to help you if you need. Back into the trailer. When you get close, use F1/F2 to lower and raise the trailer legs respectively.

The hook points must be within 10cm to hook, so it may take some practice to get close. When you think you're close, hit L. If you're close enough, the semi will latch to the trailer. Raise the legs by holding F1.

You can now drive around with the trailer. You will notice that the trailer has a large effect on how the semi pulls and handles! This process is the same for most trailers. In some cases you can secure loads to trucks using O.

NOTE: on some computers trailers may increase lag or decrease FPS(frames per second) dramatically!


Now that we've become comfortable with driving. Let's try to fly. Move your mouse to the to top of the screen to bring up the menubar, click Vehicles then Antonov 12 to instantly enter the plane which is sitting on the runway.

Apply the parking brake by pressing P. Turn on the flying lights by pressing M. Start the engines by using your mouse to click the ON buttons in the lower right hand corner (or by pressing CTRL+HOME).

When the engines settle to the appropriate idle speed (somewhere near 750rpm), release the parking brake and throttle the engines to full by holding PGUP. Pressing CTRL+PGUP will instantly set the throttle to max.

If you have a short runway, be sure to use the flaps with 1 and 2 (this is especially helpful in multiplayer). When you reach 75-80 knots, lift up by pressing the DOWN arrow. Steer with the LEFT/RIGHT arrows and control the rudder with Z and X. Raise the landing gear, in this plane, by holding F3.

The An-12 does not stand high speeds (175+ knots) well, and you may find that if you go too fast the wings will break apart!

When it comes to landing, make sure you have room to slow down and take your time. Going straight into the runway is the easiest way to land when you first start off. It may take a few passes to go head-on so don't be afraid to abort a landing and throttle back up to regain altitude. The entire process is easier if you shadows enabled, but is possible without. When you land, hit R to reverse thrust and throttle up to slow down in addition to using B to brake the wheels.

This tutorial does not make use of the autopilot. For more information regarding the use of autopilot, see Aircraft handling.


We must explore beyond Coldwater to get to the marina. Take the main road out of Coldwater, heading southwest toward the Elk Hotel. Take the second left after you leave town. You should see the water soon. When you arrive at the marina, you should see marina-style boat docks and a ramp along with a building.

Walk around to the front of the building and enter the open door. Choose the Wahoo boat.

Use UP/DOWN to throttle and LEFT/RIGHT to steer. Use PGUP to center the throttle (to neutral) and PGDOWN to center the rudder. It may take you a while to get your sea legs. If you have waves enabled, see how far out you can go before you flip over waves!

Rigs Of Rods Police Car


Now that you have a basic grasp of the basic vehicles in RoR, it is now up to you to create your own scenarios. If you feel bored, try the vast selection of mods available on the Repository.


Unmarked Police Cars Laws

If you feel like sharing the experience, you can play on one of the many public multiplayer servers. To get started, click the Multi player button on the main menu.

Set your username by clicking on Settings and changing it in the Player nickname textbox.

You may have to restart the game for the changes to take effect.

Now just select the server you want to play on, then click Join.

The 'any' servers allow you to select a terrain, while other servers (such as Official Nhelens) are set to use a specific terrain.

While on a server, you can enable collisions between other players or hide nicknames by going to Settings in the top menubar.

Note that multiplayer is still in development and can be unstable at times!

Default controls¶

Please see the Controls and configuration page for a full list of controls.

Adding content¶

To add new vehicles and terrains, go to the Installing content page.