Upgrades From The Commonwealth Mod Piracy

66 JOURNAL OF COMMONWEALTH AND COMPARATIVE POLITICS counter-trends which broadened or deepened imperial sway. One was the growth of institutional controls such as the establishment in 1812 of the Colonial Office. Another was the growth of official British activity in the East, particularly India, where from 1784 the London government assumed. The War of the Commonwealth Mod Loadout is designed specially to cater to an action-oriented style of play-through that forgoes a lot of things like Lockpicking and Hacking in favor of an all out war between the various factions where sneaking isn't just a good thing to have in the beginning.

Some of these might work as mods, but I honestly have no idea how to do mods.
Space Stations and System stations need some love imo.
PiracyUpgrades from the commonwealth mod piracyRange of hubs is determined by size of station, not number of hubs.
Specialisation of trade hubs.
  • Independent trade hub: + anomaly chance in already explored systems. + piracy chance. +small increase in credits. The independent traders often come back with wild stories of strange things they’ve encountered. The half of them that aren’t part time pirates do anyway. - Sevat Calgar, Voon Tech Trader.
  • Corporate trade hub: +piracy protection (private anti-piracy fleet), +large increase in credits Pirates don’t rate us because we’re corporate soldiers, but they forget that our bonuses come from their corpses - Cho-Setukh, Dynarato Interstellar Transport Security Arm.
  • Pirate Trade Hub: Exclusive to Nihilistic Acquisition. +piracy to adjacent border systems, +credits dependent on piracy level. Karg Redeye hereby given permission to raid UNE space. - Seen painted on the side of a Gantulli gunship, Terra Nova system.
Specialisation of defence hubs.
  • Weapon hubs can be specialised into Kinetic, Missile, or Energy depending on focus of RP or player choice. Base weapon hub has 4 small turrets. Starhold adds 2 medium turrets, next stage adds 2 large, and 4th stage adds maybe a spinal mount to the hub. Bos’puuk Station was a stellar bastion, constructed during the closing stages of the Tyznn Conflict. Stopped those raiding fleets cold. But when the Tyznn came heavy, we learned the hard way that it wasn’t invulnerable.
Research hub.
  • Can build a research hub on a station, focused on one area of science. +2 science per level of station. Some experiments are best carried out in deep space, away from radio interference and curious ethics committees – High Experimenter Fotar, Tyznn Empire.
  • Blacksite Research hub +5 science per level. Unlockable with research. Story event chance: science based disaster. The Commonwealth built the Covfefe research site to look into other universes. Something went wrong and … something looked back. It’s just an empty station now. We watched them tear each other apart.

Mega shipyard should come with a crew module, allowing a fleet to be stationed there and for fleets built there to be covered by the reduced idle cost.

Upgrades From The Commonwealth Mod Piracy Simulator

Should be able to assign an admiral to the Juggernaut. Juggernaut’s should give that admiral increased XP because it is basically the flagship of the fleet.