Active To Passive Voice Converter Software Free Download

Convert Active to Passive Change a selected sentence to any type of Tense and view its Passive Voice sentence with its Rule and Hindi Translation. Convert Active-To-Passive is quite helpful in perfecting the knowledge of Active Passive Voice.

  • StyleWriter will identify weak passive verbs in your manuscript and help you change them to strong active verbs. As a result, your writing will sound more concise, clear, and authoritative. Free Download StyleWriter software World's Largest Writing Style, Word Usage, Readability and English Grammar Checker by Editor Software.
  • However, the passive voice, in some situations is unavoidable, or it's a better choice over the active voice. Whatever the case may be, you must learn to convert the passive voice to the active voice, and vice versa. In this lesson, you'll learn how to convert the passive voice to the active voice.
  • The active voice is used to give importance to the subject or the doer of the action and the passive voice gives importance to the object. There are basic steps you follow to convert the sentences from active to passive.

Passive and Active Voice

In the passive voice the subject is acted upon. The passive voice is useful when the writer needs to be sensitive (say something delicately) or needs to focus on the subject being acted upon. However, the passive voice should be used sparingly, especially in academic writing. This voice can be long-winded and slow. The use of any form of 'to be' can be considered passive.

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Passive Voice

Two examples of passive voice are:

'Steps to ensure reliability and validity of research, analysis, and results were taken in the study.'
'This research problem and its basis were described clearly and completely by the authors.' (Calvano, 2012).

Examples of acceptable use of the passive voice are:

Serial experiments lain review. The tickets were sold yesterday. (The actor is not known)
The flag pole has been broken in half. (The writer is focused on the action.)

Active Voice

In active voice, the subject is performing the action. The active voice is widely used in the English language. The sentences above can be altered to reflect the active voice:

The researcher took steps to ensure the reliability and validity of research, analysis, and results of the study.

The authors clearly and completely described the research problem and its basis.

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Very Easy Way to Learn Voice Change.
*This App contains all about Tense And Voice Change.
*Methods of all Voice patterns.
*Lots of Examples of Active to Passive Voice Change.
*Easy Structure of all Voice Change Patterns.
*Join to English Learning Community (ELC).
One can easily understand Voice Change (Active to Passive) through this App. Speaking and Writing English will be very easy by learning Tense and Voice Change.
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Active To Passive Voice Converter Software Online

Other than that, other examples include: Jim's dog is really cute. The dog, which belongs to Jim, is really cute. The doctor did his very best. The man, being a doctor by trade, did his very best. My apple is going to be eaten.

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Active To Passive Voice Converter software, free download 2012

Changing passive verbs into active verbs is probably the best-kept secret of professional writers and editors. If you use active verbs whenever possible in your writing, you'll change your style from dull, impersonal and long-winded to vigorous, interesting and readable. Software converting passive voice to active voice.There is active to passive voice convertors available on Passive Voice Converter. There are several resources.


Professional writers say it’s slightly harder to write in the active voice, but it gives much tidier results. Does it mean we have to ban passive sentences? Quite the opposite.

Dinner was being cooked by her. Past Perfect Tense Subject + had + past participle + object E.g. She had posted the letter.

He has been taken out by me. Simple Past Tense Subject + past participle + object E.g. He built a large house.

Aim for the lowest-possible passive content for best readability. Biaya renovasi rumah. Passive voice The active voice and passive voice are different tense formats for expressing the same idea. For instance, The flight was cancelled by the airline (passive) says the same thing as The airline cancelled the flight (active), but each describes different perceptions of the event. To be verbs (such as is, was and were) are typical of the passive voice.

The kids drank all the pop; 4. The doctor is examining the patient; 5. The students have completed the homework.) .

The active voice is more direct, concise and engaging. ‘Direct’ is in the sense of open and uncomplicated. Many people (even native English speakers) misunderstand ‘direct’ to mean bluntness, rudeness or inconsiderateness, or even simple-mindedness — it means nothing like that.

Changing passive verbs into active verbs is probably the best-kept secret of professional writers and editors. If you use active verbs whenever possible in your writing, you'll change your style from dull, impersonal and long-winded to vigorous, interesting and readable.

A sentence is in the, on the other hand, when the subject is acted on by the verb. The passive voice is always constructed with a conjugated form of to be plus the verb’s past participle.

Many assignments are being given by my boss. Present Perfect Tense Subject + has/have + past participle + object E.g. Microsoft lifecam studio software download. I have taken him out. S + have/has been + past participle + by object E.g.

Subject can be easily identified by asking ‘who’ or ‘what’ to the verb. Sentences are short and easily understandable. Example: John wrote the letter. -John ( subject) performs the action denoted by the verb ( write). Passive Voice In Passive voice the sentence focus on object i.e.

Active passive voice converter software

Look for the word “ by”, if present it is passive voice. Active/Passive voice using Modals: The modal verbs consist of will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, must which are used with main verbs to express ability, probability, obligation, advice etc. To convert active voice having modal into passive voice, auxiliary verb “be” is added after modal in sentence.

Air Force use in 1976. It is the world’s No.

It is used if it doesn‘t need to know or we don‘t know the actor performing the job. In the end of the clause or sentence “by” is prefixed to know the actor performing the job.

StyleWriter counts the number of passive verbs, divides them by the number of sentences and multiplies the result by 100 to give a Passive Index score. Passive Index = Number of Passive Verbs X 100 Number of Sentences StyleWriter's Passive Index can measure how passive your writing is, whatever its length. You should aim to keep the Passive Index as low as possible.

For example: Active voice: The dog ate the steak With the software, this would automatically be converted to: Passive voice: The steak was eaten by the dog. Others: The steak is being eaten by the dog, The steak is going to get eaten by the dog, The dog eats steak, The dog is eating steak, etc The purpose of the software would be to quickly and easily create unique content while maintaining readable sentences. Could be used for turning duplicate content into unique content with ease. Such a technology would be extremely powerful. The main power of the software is in identifying the main subjects in a sentence, in this case, steak and dog. Also in identifying active and passive voice.

All the pop was drunk by the kids. The kids __________________________________. The patient is being examined by the doctor. The doctor ________________________________. The homework has been completed by the students.

When used correctly and in moderation, the passive voice is fine. In English grammar, verbs have five properties: voice, mood, tense, person, and number; here, we are concerned with voice. The two grammatical voices are active and passive. What is Active Voice? When the subject of a sentence performs the verb’s action, we say that the sentence is in the active voice. Sentences in the active voice have a strong, direct, and clear tone. Here are some short and straightforward examples of active voice.

S + will + be + past participle + by object E.g. A present will be given to you by me. Future Perfect Tense Subject + would + infinitive + object E.g. The doctor shall have examined ten patients by 10 O’clock. S + would + be + past participle + by object E.g.

The house was being built by the masons. A cake was being made by mother. A picture was being painted by the girl.

S + had been + past participle + by object E.g. The letter had been posted by her. Simple Future Tense Subject + will + infinitive + object E.g. I will give you a present.

Active To Passive Voice Converter software, free download Windows 10

It would be cool if you could make a software that converted all the active voice sentences in an article to passive voice sentences, and vice versa. For example: Active voice: The dog ate the steak With the software, this would automatically be converted to: Passive voice: The steak was eaten by the dog.

There is no question that using the active voice conveys a strong, clear tone and that the passive voice is subtler and weaker. Here’s some good advice: don’t use the passive voice just because you think it sounds a bit fancier than the active voice. That said, there are times the passive voice is useful and called for. Take “The squirrel was chased by the dog,” for example.

Passive content. Works only for English. ______________________________ CONVERTERS & TRANSLATORS Chinese Free If you know how to ‘draw’ Chinese characters in roughly the right stroke order, then this website is a godsend. Write the character on the left-hand panel with the mouse. Suggestions come up in the right-hand panel. The character you select outputs to the bottom panel for copypasting. Enable JavaScript in your browser for the webapp to work. Free Look up Chinese words in Chinese, Pinyin or English, or look up all of the Chinese words in a text sample.

Doing this usually generates a preposition as well. That sounds much more complicated than it is, because passivity is actually quite easy to detect. For these next examples of passive voice, we will transform the three active sentences above to illustrate the difference. Bananas are adored by monkeys.

The passive voice is always constructed with a conjugated form of to be plus the verb’s past participle. Doing this usually generates a preposition as well. That sounds much more complicated than it is, because passivity is actually quite easy to detect. For these next examples of passive voice, we will transform the three active sentences above to illustrate the difference. Bananas are adored by monkeys.


Have you carried out my orders? We /he/she/they eagerly listened to the story. We waste our lives in anticipation.

Bananas are adored by monkeys. The money was counted by the cashier. The squirrel was chased by the dog. Let’s take a closer look at the first pair of sentences, “Monkeys adore bananas” and “Bananas are adored by monkeys.” The active sentence consists of monkeys (subject) + adore (verb) + bananas (object). The passive sentence consists of bananas (object) + are adored (a form of to be plus the past participle adored) + by (preposition) + monkeys (subject).

Such a technology would be extremely powerful. The main power of the software is in identifying the main subjects in a sentence, in this case, steak and dog. Also in identifying active and passive voice. The main subjects like steak and dog could easily be replaced with other subjects like meat and cat.

Directions: Change each sentence from the passive voice to the active voice. (Answers are below.) 1. The baby was fed by the mother. The mother _______________________________. The products are packaged by a machine. A machine ________________________________.

What is Active Voice? When the subject of a sentence performs the verb’s action, we say that the sentence is in the active voice. Sentences in the active voice have a strong, direct, and clear tone. Here are some short and straightforward examples of active voice. Monkeys adore bananas. The cashier counted the money.

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Take “The squirrel was chased by the dog,” for example. That sentence construction would be helpful if the squirrel were the focus of your writing and not the dog. A good rule of thumb is to try to put the majority of your sentences in the active voice. This is especially true in business. How to Change a Sentence in Passive Voice to Active Voice Here is an example of a business communication that could be strengthened by abandoning the passive voice.

Here are some short and straightforward examples of active voice. Monkeys adore bananas. The cashier counted the money. The dog chased the squirrel.


Active: The committee agreed. Cross out as much of the passive verb as you can. Passive: The savings could be used to pay for a new photocopier. Editing: The savings could be used to pay for a new photocopier. Active: The savings could pay for a new photocopier. An average of only one or two passive verbs in every ten sentences is a sign of a competent and professional writer. Replacing passive verbs with active verbs means your: style becomes more personal and less official style is simpler and less awkward readers get more information meaning becomes clearer and more precise sentences are shorter and more effective. StyleWriter's Passive Index The Passive Index shows whether you have used too many passive verbs and helps you decide how many you need to change into active verbs. Too many passive verbs make writing tedious and difficult to read.

Provides HTML codes for readability widgets for websites. RFP Evaluation Centers, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Free RFP provides a variety of readability formulas for manual calculation and templates for producing Request for Proposal (RFP) letters. ______________________________ READABILITY (Active vs. Passive Voices) THE CONCEPT A text that’s low on (or devoid of) passive sentences provides for maximum reading flow and gives strength to exposed ideas, thereby easing the understanding and persuasion process.

Phrases that are behind or between commas like Meg shown can be easily interchanged. Other than that, other examples include: Jim's dog is really cute. The dog, which belongs to Jim, is really cute. The doctor did his very best. The man, being a doctor by trade, did his very best. My apple is going to be eaten. The apple, which belongs to me, is going to be eaten In other words, phrases without commas can be restructured to have certain words in between commas.

It would be cool if you could make a software that converted all the active voice sentences in an article to passive voice sentences, and vice versa. For example: Active voice: The dog ate the steak With the software, this would automatically be converted to: Passive voice: The steak was eaten by the dog. Others: The steak is being eaten by the dog, The steak is going to get eaten by the dog, The dog eats steak, The dog is eating steak, etc The purpose of the software would be to quickly and easily create unique content while maintaining readable sentences. Could be used for turning duplicate content into unique content with ease. Such a technology would be extremely powerful.

The storm uprooted the tree. The police took the wounded persons to the hospital. Who wrote this piece of composition? Columbus discovered America. Do you teach John?

Active Voice Active voice is used to indicate the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb. With the active voice, you learn ‘who’ or ‘what’ is responsible for the action at the beginning of the sentence. In other words, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. With help of active voice more powerful sentences can be build than passive voice. Use of active voice: 1. Active voice is used in a clause whose subject expresses the agent of the main verb.

Active: The committee agreed. Cross out as much of the passive verb as you can. Passive: The savings could be used to pay for a new photocopier. Editing: The savings could be used to pay for a new photocopier. Active: The savings could pay for a new photocopier. An average of only one or two passive verbs in every ten sentences is a sign of a competent and professional writer. Replacing passive verbs with active verbs means your: style becomes more personal and less official style is simpler and less awkward readers get more information meaning becomes clearer and more precise sentences are shorter and more effective.

Active To Passive Voice Converter Software Free Online

• The decision was made by management. • A potential client liked our presentation. The first three are passive and the last one is active. The first three could be rewritten as: • The society held its first meeting in the blue room. • The engineer expected the project to cost $70,000. • Management made the decision.

Simple Past Tense Subject + past participle + object E.g. He built a large house. S + was/were + past participle + by object E.g. A large house was built by him. Past Continuous Tense S + was/were + being + past participle + object E.g She was cooking dinner. S + was/were + being + past participle +by object E.g.

Changing Active To Passive Voice

Text for emergency situations routinely uses the active voice to increase immediate understanding (all real-life examples):— This door must be kept shut at all times. (Passive) Keep door shut at all times. (Active) Cars parked in this area will be towed away without notice. (Passive) Cars parked here towed without warning.

Passive To Active Voice Changer

Additionally, other sentence structures that can be changed are also changing the position of adjectives: The fancy car is going to go out now. The car that's fancy is going to go out now. The big dog is eating the steak The steak was eaten by the big dog The steak was eaten by the dog that's big.

S + had been + past participle + by object E.g. The letter had been posted by her. Simple Future Tense Subject + will + infinitive + object E.g.

What is Voice? “A Grammar of Contemporary English” defines Voice as “voice is a grammatical category which makes it possible to view the action of a sentence in two ways, without change in the facts reported”.

Active To Passive Converter Tool

(Active) This way does not lead back to the platforms. (Passive: via Central MTR Station, 2013) No way back to platforms. (Active: same location, ca. 2003) The magazine must be pushed completely into the chamber with the left hand. (Passive) Push the magazine all the way into the chamber with your left hand. (Active) Your browser must have JavaScript enabled for it to work. (‘semi’ Passive) Enable JavaScript in your browser to use.

Active To Passive Voice Converter software, free download For Windows 7

Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb’s action. You may have learned that the passive voice is weak and incorrect, but it isn’t that simple. When used correctly and in moderation, the passive voice is fine. In English grammar, verbs have five properties: voice, mood, tense, person, and number; here, we are concerned with voice. The two grammatical voices are active and passive.