Css Bhop Script For Mac

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Bhop - Version 2.62

posted on 2009-10-27 14:49:15
by Dragonfly

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[u]Français:[/u]Merci à blodia pour sa façon de rendre le bunny plus facile ([url=http://addons.eventscripts.com/addons/view/easyhop]easyhop[/url]) Fonctions: -> Vous pouvez activer ou non le noblock -> Vous pouvez activer ou non le Easy Bunny -> Vous pouvez activer un message de connection/déconnection des joueurs (nom + steamid) -> Les joueurs ont leurs vie à l'infinie. ->'!scout': Vous reçevez un scout. (Vous pouvez mettre une limitation) ->'!s': Vous sauvegardez un checkpoint (Vous devez être sur le sol!) ->'!t': Vous vous rendez à votre checkpoint. ->'!bhop': Un menu regroupant toutes les commandes s'affiche. ->'!lowgrav': met le joueur avec une gravitée plus basse. ->'!normal': remet le joueur avec un gravité normale -> Les morts ne peuvent prendre de scout et sauvegarder un checkpoint.Pour configurez le script, vous devez ouvrir [b][i]bhop_config.cfg[/i][/b]-----------------------------------------------------------------[u]English:[/u]Thanks to blodia for his way to make bunnyhopping easier ([url=http://addons.eventscripts.com/addons/view/easyhop]easyhop[/url]) Fonctions: -> You can toggle the noblock -> You can toggle the Easy Bunny -> You can toggle a message with the name and STEAM ID of player who join and quit the server. -> Players have infinite health. ->'!scout': You get a scout. (You can limit the number) ->'!s': You save a checkpoint (You must be on the ground) ->'!t': You are teleport in your checkpoint. ->'!bhop': A help menu oppens. ->'!lowgrav': player has less gravity. ->'!normal': player becomes normal. -> Dead players can't recieve scouts and save checkpoint.To configure the script, open [b][i]bhop_config.cfg[/i][/b]


[u]Français:[/u] -Ouvrez le fichier [i]Bhop.zip[/i] -Mettez le dossier [i]addons[/i] sur votre FTP dans [i].../cstrike[/i] -Réglez le script depuis [b][i]bhop_config.cfg[/i][/b] -Mettez 'es_load bhop' dans autoexec.cfg -Et changez de map.---------------------------------------------------[u]English:[/u] -Open the file Bhop.zip -Put the folder [i]addons[/i] in your FTP in [i].../cstrike[/i] -Configure the script in [b][i]bhop_config.cfg[/i][/b] -Write 'es_load bhop' in autoexec.cfg -And change map

Version Notes For 2.62

Updated on: 2011-05-21 14:04:19 EST by Dragonfly (View Zip Contents)
Version 2.62:-> Correction des fichiers se trouvant dans le .zip
( Previous Versions )

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Forum Link: http://forums.mattie.info/cs/forums/viewtopic.php?t=34846
  1. Bhop Script Cs Go Download
  2. Css Bhop Script For Mac Windows 10

Create a normal.txt file and copy and paste the script above into it. Name the script 'Bunnyhop'. Change the.txt at the end to.cfg. Thanks for watching!-Link: https://mega.nz/#!W5Q3. I never used one, and it's so much better to bhop with the mousewheel instead of using a script (that crash your game or make you ban from the server) I just know only running programs and scripts to the bhop. '.exe' bhop using will result in a VAC-Ban, so I always used a script.

Bhop Script Cs Go Download

Css bhop scripts

Css Bhop Script For Mac Windows 10

  • This is my first post, and i hope it's good and not shit:) So I made a BHOP script today and it's VAC undetected, it will be vac undetected forever (Until VALVe black-lists AutoHotKey) So basically its just an easy script to use, if you want to toggle it press F11 and to toggle it off press F11 again.
  • Version Notes For 2.62 Updated on: 2011-05-21 14:04:19 EST by Dragonfly (View Zip Contents).